Friday, March 25, 2011

Morning Bird Report

This morning, at least two pairs of chickadees were flirting all over the place. (and, I assume, more than flirting)

Snap Time!

with Guest Host, BVD!

from the online New York Times:


Missionaries With Confidence in Sunshine

“The Book of Mormon,” a collaboration between the creator’s of “South Park” and the composer of “Avenue Q,” is an old-fashioned, pleasure-giving musical.

"The proofreader," says BVD, "is the same person who fell asleep in the air traffic control tower at Reagan."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

who thinks of these things?

My friend Dan (who also takes amazing photographs in abandoned buildings, see doing some off-road unicycling:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Robin

The singing birds this morning seem to have decided it is spring, snowcover be damned.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Surprise Song Trio

Brown-Eyed Girl
Buffalo Soldier
Build Me Up Buttercup

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snap Time!

Heard this morning on the inane radio show:

DJ One:

DJ Two, objecting because of the events in Japan: "In lieu of recent events, how can you say that?"


Yeah, I know ad-libbing should get more leeway than writing, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

help, humor deficit

I don't understand the cartoon below. Any assistance would be appreciated.

(it would be further appreciated if everybody agreed that it is ununderstandable I am not out of the loop. thank you.)

Surprise Song Trio

for the last month or so, I've been listening to all the songs on my ipod in alphabetical order by song title

this method puts songs in unusual juxtaposition ... creating parallels previously unseen ...

Black Horse and the Cherry Tree
Black Water

Monday, March 14, 2011

tsunami video

Riveting beginning to end, but things get really interesting around 4:30

Happy Pi Day

But only to three decimal places. Gosh, 2016 is going to be a PAR-TaY!

(I wonder what the celebration was in the year 1592? Six decimal places, baby!)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Beyond Belief

Hover your mouse from right to left to see the before and after. No words.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Love having Nick and Sarah here! Just had a great dinner at Martha's in Nashua.

- BlogPress from my iPhone

Snap Time!

Too early to joke about the tsunami etc., but this post has to be given the snap:

"She tweets, 'A tsunami just hit. I am taking pictures from the second floor of my house. The flooding continues and I am afraid of being left behind. Please come to my rescue!!' The tweet was followed by her address and grizzly picture."

Do you expect a big bear to be riding the waves into Japan?

(ps, the picture is not so much grisly as astounding and scary: here)



People assess you based on your handshake.

Do some research and improve yours.

Snap Time!

Hey, 40% more! That's great!

When grocery prices all seem to be rising and contents shrinking, it's nice to see a...

wait a minute...

you've got to be kidding.

(dear french's marketing team:
i see what you did there)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Her Favorite Place Was the Porch

tornado visualized

amazing video -- start at 0:25 or so

the videographer gets quite close at the end


Farewell, Leia, little wiggleworm.

You may have been my sister's cat, but I loved you as my own.

Surprise song trios

for the last month or so, I've been listening to all the songs on my ipod in alphabetical order by song title

this method puts songs in unusual juxtaposition ... creating parallels previously unseen ...

ain't misbehavin'
ain't no sunshine
ain't no woman (like the one I've got)

- BlogPress from my iPhone


Played the word "stooge" in scrabble, after contemplating "stogie" instead. So now I have roger miller's King of the Road in my head.

- BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Special delivery

In our mailbox this afternoon: bills, junk mail,a magazine, an unopened jar of Jamaican jerk sauce, and a single knitting needle (bamboo, size 7).

- BlogPress from my iPhone


Japanese braiding - new interest - uses a braiding board, notched; makes round or flat braids; can incorporate beads

- BlogPress from my iPhone

Easter candy

Brach's "orchard" jelly beans are miles better than normal ones or jelly bellys. Just saying.

- BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

me too! for freelancers

Caveat: I truly like and like working with MOST of my freelance clients. There have been, however, the few who make this kind of invoice inviting:

Monday, March 7, 2011


Sounds cute, maybe I should change my name...

- BlogPress from my iPhone

Volpe Medway Musicals

I saw South Pacific, The Sound of Music, and My Fair Lady. I participated in Oliver, Guys and Dolls, Fiddler on the Roof, and Music Man.

On the iphone, btw, autocorrect turns "Volpe" to "Color."

- BlogPress from my iPhone


a kitten was playing in a corner of olivia's room
it was chasing something that belonged to olivia, a little vial containing powdered perfume
a little girl that I didn't know, blonde, started playing with the vial and spilling it
I told her sternly to stop and she wouldn't

[later Bob asked who I had been yelling at and I remembered the dream]

- BlogPress from my iPhone