Friday, May 27, 2011

Crocheted bracelet

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Knit update

Two horizontal sections done

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Knit update

First horizontal row of color

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

logic through the ages

I'm reading Andersonville, a memoir of a Civil War POW, and came upon this passage:

All whom we met were eager to discuss with us the causes, phases and progress of the war, and whenever opportunity offered or could be made, those of us who were inclined to talk were speedily involved in an argument with crowds of soldiers and citizens. But, owing to the polemic poverty of our opponents, the argument was more in name than in fact. Like all people of slender or untrained intellectual powers they labored under the hallucination that asserting was reasoning, and the emphatic reiteration of bald statements, logic.

Applicable today.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Knit update

Done with the border

After knitting the whole thing, I'll fold over the border and sew it, sort of like this:

But I have much to do before then -- tomorrow I begin COLOR from this promising pile:

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New knit project

Starting a throw blanket for (the other) Sarah. Here is the progress I was able to make on the drive back from Maine:

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Web flight

Did you ever read Charlotte's Web? Charlotte's children climb to the top of (whatever), spin some silk, and fly away.

I just saw it happen. Sitting on Nick and Sarah's front steps (Bob is helping put in a walkway), I noticed a little spider that kept climbing up my leg (and I kept removing her and placing her in the grass). A while later I saw her at the top of the railing, and before I could blink, she had launched herself over my head. I watched her cross the yard, hovering 4 to 3 to 2 feet, before I lost sight of her.

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Time travel

Driving north to Maine, going back in time, seeing the hawthorn bloom again

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Thursday, May 12, 2011


Finished reading John Adams just after midnight. Now bereft.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shiva's Eye

Turns out, the filed-shell jewelry (usually a cabochon) that I love has a name: Shiva's Eye. It is the operculum of many shelled marine animals.