o n e | m i s f i t | t o | a n o t h e r
"Books are social vectors, but publishers have been slow to see it. They barely even noticed book clubs until Oprah goosed them. But then the stupidity of the contemporary, corporation-owned publishing company is fathomless: they think they can sell books as commodities.
"Moneymaking entities controlled by obscenely rich executives and their anonymous accountants have acquired most previously independent publishing houses with the notion of making quick profit by selling works of art and information. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that such people get sleepy when they read. Within the corporate whales are many luckless Jonahs who were swallowed alive with their old publishing house—editors and such anachronisms—people who read wide awake. Some of them are so alert they can scent out promising new writers. Some of them have their eyes so wide open they can even proofread. But it doesn't do them much good. For years now, most editors have had to waste most of their time on an unlevel playing field, fighting Sales and Accounting."
From iPhone
From iPhone
I'm having less caffeine than normal, but my alertness is doubled (without troubling my sleep).
Is it the altitude? Or just lack of having to work?
Something got screwed up somewhere, because clearly I was meant to be a Western woman of leisure.
From iPhone
Don't you just hate Mondays?
From iPhone
(and small and distant enough not to fear for myself or much damage to others)
From iPhone
From iPhone